As a part of our CSR strategy, we ensure the payment of living wages to all the workers which are the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs to maintain a safe, decent standard of living within the community.
A living wage should cover the worker’s basic needs such as cost of accommodation, food, medical care, the schooling for children and some savings.
We respect the employees’ right to a living wage & this is the core element of our social responsibility. We aim to provide an employment framework which promotes well-being, career and personal development, genuine communication and consultation and a fair reward for our staff. We think that one should be able to live on their wage and we consider living wage to be a very important issue.
We have a real commitment to enhance our Corporate Social Responsibility & we are committed to provide the living wage to our employees. Employee satisfaction and the work-life equilibrium of every person who works for us is truly imperative, this commitment goes a small way in helping us to be a responsible company that people really enjoy
working for.